Fix “Unavailable Because You Have More Secure Options”

email, website, technology

You are trying to log in to your Gmail account but can’t due to a 2-step verification. The 2-step verification does not work through text messages or phone calls, right? I also face the same problem. Every time I try to log in to my Gmail account, I can’t.

They send a notification to my device, which I am already logged into. I don’t want to use this option. I want to use text messages to verify. But every time, the option to get the verification through a text message is greyed out with the message, “Unavailable because you have more secure options.”

But I found a solution.

1. Click on “Get Help.”

2. You will see this page. After that, click on “Try another way.”

3. You will then see a prompt asking for your phone number. Enter it and press “Send.”

4. They will send a verification code to your number. Enter the code to submit it.

5. After that, you will see this message.


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